Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Blog Needs Some Lovin' and Mom Power!

I've been neglecting this blog lately. And that's wrong. It didn't do anything to deserve that!
Things with Green Mommy Guide are really taking off, getting more and more readers and email subscribers every day. I recently read an article in O Magazine talking about how "Soccer Moms" are going to be the ones who change the world when it comes to going green. While I bristle at the term "soccer mom" because I find it dismissive (especially when they use it during elections!), I agree that this change will be largely initiated by moms. We are the ones who largely make the purchasing decisions for the household, and we live in a profit-driven society. We are the ones who are vocal about getting pesticides out of our children's foods, vaccines, and clothing. We are the ones who can connect with each other, be it in person or online, to create a movement.
Anyway, feel free to check back here often for updates and random thoughts and to leave you feedback about Green Mommy Guide. I need your help to keep the site growing!


Nicole Feliciano said...

Hi there. I'd love to guest host your blog this week. I am writing a feature on "green" gardening toys. I'd let you run the post and hope to be "blog of the day." Let me know.

Emily ~ Little Window Shoppe said...

I just discovered the Green Mommy Guide and I'll admit, I'm kind of new to it, but slowly making the effort to get there. Thanks for your ideas, I'm definitely going to be back. :)

Andrea said...

Just checked out your blog for the first time - great job!I shall certainly be back for a visit!

Anonymous said...

I agree that moms are going to be the bulk of the green movement. Truthfully, I THOUGHT I was green until I had a baby, then I became super green. Before I was like "I'll change to some energy efficient light bulbs, try to waste less, and use less gas." And now I'm like "Uh, that has chemicals in it. That has preservatives in it. That has toxins in it. I'm not using that on my floor, my baby licks there. That causes cancer, we're not eating it. . . " You know. =)

Although, Even though I feel that "green" purchases can be more expensive, I save the money somewhere else. It might cost me more to buy organic food, but I save that money because I don't use disposable diapers. For me, it all balances out.


Maternitique said...

Well, I'm so convinced that the "soccer moms" will be the one leading the next generation into healthier, greener choices that I created a store to target them. Hoping to convince the world that "green" doesn't have to be synonymous with "granola." (Not that I have anything against granola!) You can look great, smell great, feel great...all while doing great for your baby, your body and our world. So, I guess I'm saying, I totally agree with this!

Found your blog and the Green Mommy Guide through the Cincinnati Enquirer article that mentioned you. Congrats on the coverage! Keep up the good work. I'll subscribe and add the link to my site.

Tara from